A brief timeline, so far:
January 2019 - the original, Canadian edition, Bridge the Gap Math™, launched in and fulfilled from BC, Canada.
March 2020 - cross-border sales into the US began.
June 2020 - Bridge the Gap Maths™ UK edition launched worldwide, fulfilled from the UK.
September 2020 - Bridge the Gap Math™ rebranded and 2nd edition launched as Canada/US edition.
November 2021 - Bridge the Gap Maths™ Australia/New Zealand edition launched.
As Bridge the Gap Math™ (Canada/US edition) enters its 6th year, UK and Australia/New Zealand editions Bridge the Gap Maths™ move towards their 4 years and 3 years anniversaries respectively, what do some of our clients think?
June 2024: CATHY DUFFY REVIEW - read here -
June 2024: ‘Every homeschool family I know who’s kids transition to brick and mortar school for high school refer to your book as a sort of “holy book” in getting homeschoolers ready for school and covering any “gaps”. It looks fantastic and we are thrilled that you’ve created this roadmap to ensure a successful transition to school for our son.” – Mya, (BC)
September 2023: ‘Bridge Gap Math help built confidence in my daughter... now she is an A student in her foundation math classes. So grateful for this curriculum.
I will always advocate your great work! I'm sure there are students who were like my children. Only one of three benefitted from your curriculum and I witnessed the difference between moving onto high-school with confidence built by Bridge the Gap Math and without it. All of my children fortunately did well in math so I am more convinced that it was not the competence problem but the confidence. Great work, Laurie!” – Sui Ryu, (Ridge Meadows, BC)
March 2023: ‘This is a great book. We used it the yr before last, for one of my children. I plan to use it for my younger ones, once they are old enough to use it. My daughter, who did use it, said that she really liked it. The book was easy to use and understand. Asked if there was a second book. She enjoyed it, and she did not even like math. I am thankful for Bridge the Gap Math.” – Barbara Pamplin, (Tennessee)
March 2023: ‘My daughter loves this math book. She’s wondering if this is the only one or if there is another level up.’
My middle school daughter said: “I have struggled with math all along because there’s just so much information and it would go too fast past where I was understanding. This book has one concept in each lesson and explains it well, and then you can test yourself to make sure before moving on. It is the first book that has helped me like math better.” – Tatum A Norris, (Utah Homeschoolers Network)
February 2023: ‘Hi Laurie! I just wanted to say we’ve been STRUGGLING with a variety of Math curriculum over here with my 11 year old homeschooler with severe learning needs. Your book has INDEED been a game changer. As a homeschool mama new to this world, I needed to find the right vocabulary to navigate some of the math basics. We’ve only JUST started using it and I’m seeing a MASSIVE improvement in her comprehension and overall enthusiasm with math. We mostly take exercises off book but I use your book as a guide to help me teach her. Thank you so much!’ – Debbie Kee Balino, (Victoria BC Homeschoolers)
January 2023: ‘I can vouch for this book!! It was so easy to use, and helped my kiddo immensely! She was good at math, then began to hate it. We used this book & she loved math again! It fixed the issues! I’ll be using it with each of my kids from now on!’ – Sara Christine Smith, MO (Branson Homeschoolers)
December 2022: ‘…it’s brilliant! I was never good at math even though I’m a teacher. Too many reasons to share my journey. All that to say my son said he actually likes math again!! Thank you. I suspect with all the online work children do these days your book would be a great alternative for more engagement, parental bonding. I was going to find a physical tutor because of my poor math skills but your book IS the tutor!’ – Lyndy Joy (The Un/Homeschool Club of Ontario)
December 2022: ‘This has worked so well for my daughter. And when she does other math work and forgets how, in the moment, to do something she’ll grab the book and use it as her quick reminder.’ – Rachelle Friedman Kenny (Jewish Homeschoolers)
December 2022: ‘An amazing gift of confidence in Math’ – Kimberly Khan-Reid, ON
December 2022: ‘We used this book for my son at the end of Grade 7 and we loved it. Honestly, I can't say enough good things about it. We did very little structured math prior to him entering Grade 8; he blasted through this book in 3-4 months (mostly independently) and it totally prepared him for math at school this year. He does not feel left behind, or that he has knowledge gaps and is notably doing quite well in math. Great investment for us!’ – Leigh Schuler, AB (Homeschoolers Central Alberta)
June 2022: ‘If your child is struggling with math concepts then this is what you have been praying for! Kaleb loved this book and called it his arsenal for math. Laurie Beesting is a lovely woman who published this of her own accord and simply wants to help children to love mathematics again or for the 1st time no matter their age.’ – Kimberly Khan-Reid, ON
June 2022: ‘(I am a ) maths tutor, no personal or professional relationship with the author, highly recommend the book; I’m a former assistant headteacher (principal), with over 20 years Maths teaching experience and I’m a Maths graduate.
(There is) not much out there with an appropriate tone for older students who have struggled with the foundations of numeracy and Maths. Usually the tone is unsuitable, aimed at a much younger audience.’ – Gareth MacGillivray, Home Education and Home Schooling HELP and Support UK
June 2022: ‘My 12 year old daughter who has always struggled has found real maths confidence in this book and likes it just as much as my 11 year old who already has a love for maths. Mine just cover the answers with paper and find them quite useful to refer to and check they are getting it right at times.
Both of my children have gained a lot from using your book. My daughter is Autistic and anxious and can really struggle with being “taught” but with this book she could mostly teach herself and ask for help when needed which worked brilliantly to improve her maths confidence.
I hope it really takes off for you, it’s a great book. I particularly like the fractions/decimals/percentages as my daughter is very visual and the stages really gave her a “picture” in her head.
Harry (11) liked areas and long/short division. Long division wasn’t easy but he was proud he could do it. He has said to tell you he really loves the book. Rosie (12) liked the angles/triangles section best and says the book is really fun. That’s a miracle believe me , thank you for your hard work!’ – Kirsty Woodfield, The Centre for Personalised Education, UK
June 2022: ‘Your book made such a difference for my son with dyscalculia this year. He went through about 3/4 of the book in August-October before starting grade 8 math. He had the best year of math yet and felt much more confident than in previous years. We plan to do a brief review again this year at the end of summer before jumping into grade 9. Thank you!!
I’m just so pleased we found your program. I hope all children who struggle with math will find their way to it as well.’ – Homeschoolers, Victoria BC
June 2022: ‘We use this book in our home learning. It’s been a great resource here!’ – ER, Kootenay Home Educators BC
May 2022: ‘Hi, I just wanted to tell you my homeschooled kids love Bridge the Gap Math. They’re really wishing that there were some options for grade 9 and beyond that are as helpful. They asked me to tell you that they want a Brdge the Gap Math book for the next grades. I understand building curriculum takes time and this isn’t a terribly realistic request. Is there anything you recommend for older grades that is in anyway similar to your fantastic book? Thanks! (I have three always homeschooled kids, the oldest is doing Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering at Mcmaster, the younger two are high school age, the youngest appears to have dyscalcula -or at least she did until we found your book! All three have ADHD.) Let me know if i can write a positive review somewhere. Thanks!’ – Homeschooling mom BC
May 2022: ‘Bridge the Gap was EXACTLY what my 7th-grade daughter needed this year! She was immediately drawn to how simple it was to follow and this year she went from "I hate math and I'll always be bad at it" to "These math questions are too easy!" She's ready to take on Grade 8 next year with a great attitude towards math and the skills she needs to succeed!’ – Lisa Roberts, Victoria BC
May 2022: ‘I have the text and love it.’ – Homeschooling mom BC
May 2022: ‘Help! Now I’m Home Schooling!’…..(3 days later)…..’This book is brilliant!! 100%’ – Anna Dunn, England, UK
May 2022: ‘Your book really helped my daughter learn math and it really helped our relationship too. In Grade 6 math caused a lot of stress and conflict for us, but this year using Bridge the Gap has been so much more peaceful and productive! We've been homeschooling but my daughter will be going back to the classroom next year for Grade 8 and she is feeling really confident about her math skills now.’ – Lisa Roberts, Victoria BC Homeschoolers
April 2022: ‘I love the book and suggest it to everyone. It has been great for my kid who is struggling. Good foundational concepts, explanations and practice. Not overwhelming and very understandable. It has honestly been the best resource that I have found. And I have been fortunate enough to try many. If you ever make any other resources, I will surely buy them too.’ – Anastasia M (mum and educator), ON
February 2022: A wonderful feeling to receive this from a mum today:
‘It helped my son so much. He has autism.
He is homeschooling and has been for 3 years. Your book launched him from a grade 3 to 4 level of understanding to a high school level where he is now looking at preparing for his GED test next year.
Thank you for this book it’s a treasure for home and traditional school.
Btw he is 18 and in 6 months your book changed his math life and now he enjoys math.
My son had no hope of completing the math done at high-school level.
I just shared this (I asked permission to put on my testimonials) with my son Kaleb and he is thrilled. He said your book "was like a battle strategy for math"' – Kimberly Khan-Reid, Ontario
February 2022: ‘This Book was a lifesaver!!!!! I now have a 14 year old that has confidence!' – Heather Yatkowski Alberta Homeschooling FB Group
February 2022: ‘Great book! Highly recommend it!' – Mom, Comox Valley BC
January 2022: ‘This 100 concept book is going to be a much less daunting task than starting over at Grade 4/5 Math which it feels like he somehow missed…' – Mom & G9 son, BC
January 2022: ‘My son would not be where he's at in Mathematics if it hadn't been for your intervention and guidance. I can't say enough about what you've done for his confidence and his abilities. I'm so thankful for you, Laurie.' – CW, Vancouver BC
December 2021: ‘This is an incredible workbook that my Grade 7 son is flying through on his own due to the excellent pages of instructions and problems Laurie has laid out!' – Jen Cherewaty, Greater Vancouver Homeschoolers and Online Learners
October 2021: ‘I've got to give a shout out to "Bridge The Gap Math" by Laurie Beesting !
For our homeschool math lessons, we are reviewing some targeted skills before we jump back into algebra & geometry!
To my teacher colleagues whose students need extra help in math...
To my homeschool community...
To anyone whose kiddos have gaps in their math skills....
I highly recommend this book!
#homeschoollife #homeschoolmath #mykidhatesmath #helovesthisbook #bridgethegap #bridgethegapmath #specialeducation #specialeducationteacher #mathteacher"' – Nina Cesena, Homeschooling on the Olympic Peninsula, WA
July 2021: ‘I am using this book to help a pupil prepare for eighth grade and it's been very good. She feels a lot of success at each step and is beginning to feel much more prepared for high school math.' – LK, Greater Vancouver Home Learners: homeschoolers, DLers, unschoolers
July 2021: ‘We use it. It’s exactly what my daughter needed.' – JL, Campbell River Homeschoolers
July 2021: ‘This book really is a very good one to get. I don't have time ATM to go into all the pros, but consider this comment a 5-star rave. Your book got my unschoolers very excited and proud. Thanks for your work on that.' – Melanie Ratzlaff, Moderator
July 2021: ‘Older kids.
Ok so it’s a thing for homeschoolers to push math by the wayside especially when the younger child is more apt to like other subjects...
So you may have an older child (older than the grades listed on the book) that has anxiety over math because you haven't really kept up with it.
Well I highly recommend Laurie’s book as it is non threatening for both child/parent/educator. And she has great tips that make math more enjoyable. The language is friendly and not math superior like...
Can you tell I’m not a big math person....
We’ve used it for review and also to understand concepts we skipped in the younger years. Lessons are direct, easy to follow and short.
So thankful for Laurie’s workbook!!!' – Marie Saldaña Admin of The Happy Homeschooling Group of Sarasota and Manatee Counties in FL / Homeschool mom of 17 years
June 2021: ‘I ordered this for my boys, and so far they are enjoying it. Well written and easy to understand. I would recommend it. The boys are 12&14, and found even BBC bitesize confusing... Whereas your book really does explain it so much better! Great book x' – Samantha Candy, Cornwall Home Education FB group, UK
June 2021: ‘I have personal experience with this book. My daughter worked through it this first term of her grade 8 year. I saw her making so many connections that she had somehow not made yet. Next year, onto grade nine math with confidence! Thank you, Laurie.' – parent, HCOS Facebook group, BC
May 2021: ‘I wanted to give a shout out to Laurie Beesting! We just got our Bridging the Gap math book! My son loves it! He actually said, "This is the kind of math that actually helps me!"' – Nina Cesena, Homeschooling on the Olympic Peninsula, WA
May 2021: ‘This is an awesome book!' – Karma MacDonald, Funschoolers
May 2021: ‘Highly recommend this book! I have been working through it with my 13 year old son and we really like it. Very easy to use and covers all the maths essentials.
The book has been great for us - straight forward and easy to use. My son really likes using it and checking off when we finish a lesson!' – STC (parent), Scotland
April 2021: ‘I bought it and I love it!! Thank you! This is exactly what I have been needing. I use other resources and curricula as well, but it has provided the much-needed support for acceleration!' – Sunshine Moss Ph.D, Florida
January 2021: ‘This has actually been a really great resource for my boys, and myself!! It truly has been such a nice resource for us. It’s quick so they stay focused on each lesson/concept without losing interest in the idea. Just a great refresher for me too!! This is my first year homeschooling so a lot of these concepts have changed or I’ve simply not used enough to recall. It’s brilliant!! Thanks for creating it!' – Kymberly Finnemore, Camrose and Area Homeschoolers and Unschoolers FB Group, AB
January 2021: ‘My daughter worked on this book during the summer to test her knowledge of the basics of math before starting up her grade 9th year. She started the book with skepticism, and ended the book with much needed confidence. At first she thought the book was really meant for younger students as she had to follow the procedures to say out loud what she was about to learn, complete the work, and date the check list while she said out loud the skill she had learned. As she got used to the procedures (that were explained in detail at the beginning of the book), both she and I realized the value of following the suggested activities. They helped her know what skills she was actually learning while she was repeating the math activities. That level of awareness, connecting the activities to the essential skills she was building, helped her increase in the confidence. Now math doesn't scare her or depress her. She knows that she can tackle on the new material using the skills she has built. We feel lucky to have found this book and would recommend to everyone who consider this book.' – Sui Ryu, Ridge Meadows Home Learners FB Group, Maple Ridge, BC
January 2021: ‘I love this book! Highly recommend it!
I suggest it to everyone! My son has been struggling with math and this was a game changer, I even learned new things! The best part** I would think oh he's having a tough time with that, BAM next page is more of what he was struggling with! I appreciate this book so much! So thank you!' – Autumn White, It Takes a Village FB Group, Armstrong, BC
December 2020: ‘I swear by this amazing book!' – another mom, ON
December 2020: ‘…it's fantastic! I took my son for tutoring. It was so expensive and really time consuming. He didn't want to go. This was my last resort. I tried BTGM on a whim and I believe it saved my son's relationship with mathematics lol....and quite possibly ours' – mom, ON
December 2020: ‘This is amazing! Absolutely a game changer!' – USA mom
December 2020: ‘Fantastic resource! I'm recommending it to every parent I know - whether their child is advanced in math or finding it a challenge. The concepts are clearly presented and we found fun ways to engage with the material (e.g., going back and forth to answer questions instead of me doing all the asking and my child doing all the answering).' – another happy mom, BC
December 2020: ‘My daughter really enjoyed it. She finished cover to cover and moved on to the math of her current grade. This book built her confidence and positive attitude toward math.' – happy mom, BC
October 2020: ‘We are loving this book for helping our daughter in gr.7' – mom, Alberta
October 2020: ‘But seriously this book is amazing! I love how it is laid out and the how to use this book etc.
She has struggled so much in maths and going through this book together is giving her so much confidence and I am learning lots too.’ – R. Nelson, parent
October 2020: ‘We found Bridge the Gap Math at the exact right time for us. We homeschool our 9-year-old son and he has always been comfortable with numbers and math concepts. However, as he was approaching grade 6 math, we did not know what he fully understood and what he superficially understood. We bought Bridge the Gap Math and Laurie Beesting offered a personal consultation to help us determine how best to use the book for his learning. Although it took some concentration on my part to see what the book had to offer and how to present it to our son, we have established a rhythm for playing with the material in the book. It's straight-forward enough that our son feels success on each page and it's challenging enough that I could see which areas need concentration. I highly recommend this book and especially the consultation with Laurie Beesting to know how to match it to one's child. I think this book should be in every parent's library.' – Homeschooling mom, Vancouver BC
October 2020: ‘We love your book Laurie Beesting! So easy and fun to use!' – Homeschool mom
September 2020: ‘My teen daughter had never said math was fun. Yet as we bought this book this summer and she is finishing the book in September before diving into grade 9 math, she is daily enjoying her work on math. The best things this book brought to her were that she is moving into the next stage with confidence, and to realize that math can be fun. Highly recommended!!
At first, my daughter was a little hesitant to say out loud each learning topic before and after working on a unit. But I insisted on her following the method. Now she likes it and loves to record the finished units. At first I thought that maybe she was too old for this book. But know I know it was perfect for her.' – Homeschooling mom
September 2020: ‘I have 3 kids who have struggled to learn math in the classroom. So much anxiety and feelings of defeat. This book has totally changed that! THANK YOU! My 9 year olds have been having fun and get excited for their Beesting book. My oldest has shown interest and asked me to order her a book for herself. She said math is so much fun when you make it into a story. Thank you for making this book!!!! Expect an order soon for our third book!' – Mom
August 2020: ‘This book is fantastic and is so well written it can be self guided. I’m always there to help but my daughter enjoys doing it on her own too.' – Karie-Lea Evans-Tardiff
August 2020: ‘Laurie I’ve heard so many amazing things about your text!!! Am buying now….
…it’s very hard, as you know, when students reach upper intermediate with gaps in basic math concepts and general math sense. So tricky to then suddenly build on what isn’t always there. Someone shared your book info with me earlier this year and I neglected to buy it. Big mistake I’m correcting now' – Alison Sharpe, North Shore Homeschooling
July 2020: ‘I bought the Bridge the Gap book a few weeks ago and have found it great for helping to cement many concepts for my going-into-grade-seven daughter. She keeps saying, "OH! That's how you do it! I don't think I was taught it well the first time..."
It is exactly the book I would have written for her if I had had the time and ability to do so! Thank you, Laurie Beesting!' – attendee Reimagine Education Conference
July 2020: ‘Love the ideas presented here’ (at the conference). ‘I'm a little nervous about teaching math because I struggled as a child myself. But you make the concepts accessible. I decided to get your book to supplement our curriculum.' – attendee Reimagine Education Conference
July 2020: ‘Hey Laurie Beesting :) I just want to say that your program has been a great confidence boost for my 7th grader. She used to hate math and felt quite defeated and now she is actually enjoying it.' – Nanaimo, BC
July 2020: ‘We are LOVING Bridge the Gap Math! 1 double sided page per concept, clear instructions and happy, confident kid (who was not a fan of math)=Happy Mama. Affordable and pain free. ;) Chat with Laurie Beesting the author and she will hook you up with that you need.' – Edna of homeschoolhelp.ca
July 2020: ‘I just started using this book and love the way it is set up! I have been a teacher for almost thirty years and a homeschooling Mom for 10. We are doing a lesson a day, and we do it all orally, so far. My son (13 years old) is happy it is quick and we are able to see any little gaps to bridge. Love this resource! Thanks for creating it.' – MW (teacher and homeschooling mom Vancouver Island BC)
June 2020: ‘Congratulations on the UK edition Laurie! We used the Canadian version of this book to help my husband pass a job aptitude test where he was struggling with the mathematics portion. The easy to use methods are great for adults who struggle with the basics too. It worked a treat and he now has the job of his dreams.
Being a British person in Canada I’m so excited to see the UK edition; I think I might have to buy a UK copy now as well. Thank you Laurie for sharing your techniques, we are forever grateful.' – Rebecca BC
June 2020: ‘We actually love this!! My 12 year hates math and now he's actually coming around because he has a lot more confidence and he's not feeling overwhelmed anymore.' – (parent) ON
May 2020: ‘Hi Laurie! I just wanted to tell you that I already used your book today! My 4th grader is multiplying fractions and whole numbers together… I had your book right next to me, so I opened it up to the chapter on fractions, and he understood immediately. I'm so excited to have this resource! Thanks again!' – JA (homeschooling mom) California US
May 2020: ‘(She) has been working on just one lesson a day. It has been super easy to follow and keep her motivated to see what she has learned. We just usually start with a short review of some of the more challenging parts of previous days but it seems like so far she actually retains stuff pretty well. She has been doing a combination of 1 lesson from your book a day and 1 page of kumon division or multiplication and she is OK with both of those. Your very clear lessons are great because it breaks it down to something that her brain understands...’ – MY (‘usually mainstream-but-homeschooling-due-to-COVID-mom’) Vancouver BC
May 2020: ‘Something I love about Bridge the Gap Math is that it's perfect for any ability of student at any age. My son is dyslexic and has always struggled in math. This is an excellent resource to take those basic concepts that get tricky, very slowly and get them right. We school all year round and I will be using this with him during the summer this year! I also love subscribing to Laurie's blog because there's always little nuggets of *practical* math, which is more what he gravitates towards.' – Sarah Mast (homeschooling mom) BC
April 2020: ‘Home schooling : Long Division. Thank goodness for Bridge The Gap Math by Laurie Beesting. It’s been so long since I did this. I highly recommend this book.' – AS (mom schooling at home) BC
March 2020: ‘We are LOVING this curriculum! It’s been the answer to all my math curriculum prayers 🥰' – Christi E (homeschooling mom) Georgia US
March 2020: ‘This book is awesome. I ordered one for each kid and they are really proud of the work they are doing in it. There is no pressure and no big tasks to complete. I let mine sort it out on their own, being older, but they let me go over their answers as we talk about what they found challenging, new, or easy. I really appreciate this kind of an approach. Thx Laurie.’ – Melanie R (homeschooling parent)
January 2020: ‘Our eldest is whom we purchased the book for has tried a bunch of programs. He has a learning disability in math and I have been so impressed with how he's been picking up concepts from your book. The main thing (well one of them) that makes this book better is the amount of information on each page. It's not overwhelming to look at and therefore anxiety isn't there as soon as the book opens. And personally for me, math isn't my strong point so for our boy who struggles it's been perfect. I hope more families learn of your program as it has been a good fit for us.’ – Kirsten (parent)
January 2020: ‘We started with this math book in November. It's fantastic! We've tried many math programs and none have been "the one" but this one is set up really nicely and has been a good fit for us so far.’ – KM (parent)
January 2020: ‘Laurie’s book is amazing. It’s doing wonders for my son.’ – (parent)
Dec 2019 - A wonderful testimonial received in time for Christmas from mom of 2: ‘My husband and I love what your book has done for our boys! Earlier this year my boys hit a wall in math. They came to the idea that math was hard!
Today after completing unit one! ….They have a different perspective. I truly love your book and feel it can help so many children overcome their fear of math.’ – AH (parent)
Dec 2019: ‘We just started your book! Made it to page 28 in our first session and he read some of it without me! I am very hopeful. Thank you so much... the way you write clearly appeals to him. Not least because of the “sausage” reference at the beginning — we have a dachshund at home.’ – Vancouver parent
Sept 2019: ‘Your book has been a lifesaver for my son and I this year! Your one page a concept really helped to reduce his anxiety enough to be willing to keep slowly trying with math.’ – Alison B (parent)
Aug 2019: ‘We are so very happy with your book. We have a very reluctant mathematician in our house and this has given us a framework to work in and some great tips and pointers. I dare say my husband and I have learned a thing or two in the process.
Despite her lack of enthusiasm for doing math all summer (and really who can blame her???) I think she will be well pleased when she sees what a difference filling in the gaps will mean in Grade 7 math.’ – Frances (parent)
Mar 2019: ‘This is a (Facebook) post for all my teacher friends and fellow parents... I just learned so much about teaching math from local elementary math expert, Laurie Beesting. What a great resource this is- full of short and sweet, easy to implement mini-lessons that cover everything from grades 4-7. A much needed resource for all learners to make sure the bases are covered for a strong start in high school.
Check it out at http://www.bridgethegapmath.ca’ – Rebecca (parent)
Feb 2019: ‘...I could feel my 12 year old son lift up. Suddenly he understood something - that he COULD do math, he just needed some pieces explained to him again that he had missed…
Her (Laurie’s) book, Bridge the Gap Math, was introduced to us and we were able to complete perfectly formed, bite-sized pieces of math that were easy to do and tick off. 'Tick off' being the key here - it wasn't this laborious, never-ending slog of complicated math that would result in glazed eyes and "I'm tired" within 2 minutes. My son will now motivate himself to complete whatever 'homework' is set. It is painless, he gets it, I can see his mind thinking to learn and understand the math and then complete the tests given over the page. Done, understood, ticked off. Satisfaction achieved.
My son, who only a few months ago had all but given up on school, is now helping other classmates during math. His self-esteem has bounced back. He is applying himself better in other subjects too, not just math. No longer feeling behind and overwhelmed he's confident and positive about his educational future, even talking about pre-calculus!...
…I highly recommend it to everyone - not just those struggling.’ – Zoë (parent)
Jan 2019 Mom of 3: ‘It REALLY, REALLY is helping already… me, for starters. It is amazing how little I recall and how challenging it is having my own math struggles but needing to help my kids! That is what I didn't count on so much - how much it helped ME!’ …………..‘We have jumped in. Seriously! We've worked while waiting on the ferry, waiting for a sibling’s guitar lesson to end, and at home. All three. One page at a time. My 15 year old son said: Wow, I can't believe that I didn't know that I was always mixing up the definition for Product....etc. So this is going to be a critical aspect in terms of math reparations!’
……(and to sister in Alberta) ‘Please meet Laurie Beesting. Laurie is well known on Bowen as an exceptional tutor for kids that span all levels of school. She has created this resource which I really believe will be a game changer for you guys, too. It has been a win for us and we've turned it into a game at the supper table. In fact, there are a few things that can be done that turn into a bit of a competitive game. I thought the kids would begrudge the extra effort, but they do not. The book has been set up very clearly, one skill per page. At the moment, our pace is two pages per night on top of regular homework.’ – Andrea (parent)
‘My son was missing foundational math pieces that left him discouraged and confused. Laurie’s program filled those gaps and maybe more importantly built his confidence in math. He went from barely passing, to an easy A.’ – Sandra (parent)
‘My grades skyrocketed with these methods and my understanding of math deepened. I highly recommend not only for struggling students but anyone who wants to strengthen their basics. The skills Laurie provides are easy to follow and fun to learn.’ – Lucy (student)
‘We can't thank Laurie enough. She made a huge difference in our daughter's life.’ – NS (parent)
‘Laurie has helped me feel a lot more confident in my math skills. She has ways of helping me remember things that I usually forget in math, and she simplifies things so they are a lot easier to understand. She is a very good math tutor – she is the only person who has ever made me understand what is going on in math.’ – Adrienne (student)
‘Laurie has a keen understanding of how important it is for children to have a solid grasp of math fundamentals. She manages to help kids work through gaps in their knowledge, and have fun whilst doing it. I would highly recommend her book!’ – Liesl (parent)
‘Laurie has a systematic program which tests a student’s core knowledge skills and gives me confidence as a homeschooling parent that my child has a solid understanding of the math curriculum for his grade.’ – Elle (parent)
‘Laurie’s approach had my pre-teen son excited about math! As he conquered each skill, piece by piece, his confidence grew. The small successes added up to a big jump in his grades.’ – Sandra (parent)
‘We can recommend Laurie's approach wholeheartedly. She really helped our child gain confidence in her abilities and move up in grades.’ – Neil (parent)
‘Laurie has lots of tricks for advanced learners to keep the subject fresh and interesting.’ – EW (parent)
‘2 years later, I am still using the techniques Laurie taught me. Giving me all the small bits made it easy to put it together.’ – Troy (student)
‘Laurie has developed a systematic program to test a student’s core knowledge base, identify any weak spots, and provide focused learning in any flagged areas. The system is brilliant for advanced learners, as it allows them to progress quickly through material they already know, and keeps the student interested with fresh material.’ – EW (parent)
‘Laurie’s approach looked at math concepts from a different angle. This resonated with my son, as he step by step ‘got it’, his confidence grew along with his skills.’ – SH (parent)
‘Laurie's calm demeanour and simple, straightforward approach gave our daughter that extra something she needed to succeed in math.’ – NS (parent)
‘Our daughter needed help to keep her on track with math. Laurie was able to boost her confidence, and have her enjoy math too. A solid basis was formed on which she still builds.’ – AVW (parent)
‘Doing flash facts with Laurie is fun!’ – Max (student)